Why do you have a low sex drive and how can you increase it?

Libido is a person's desire for sexual activity. It is a psychological urge and is related to sexual instinct. Many external and internal factors can affect the level of libido. First, we must understand that the level of libido or sex drive varies from person to person. Second, under the influence of many things, it varies throughout the day. A person may have a sex drive or desire to engage in a sexual activity, but the situation, moral or religious boundaries or time make the situation not favorable to fulfill his desire. Sometimes, under the influence of any medication, a person may feel a change in libido level throughout the day. Sometimes, people get so busy at work and forget all such things. During the whole day, a person encounters a lot of things, and his feelings and desires are changing accordingly.

Why are you interested in sex?

Humans have some basic needs. Some of them are food, sleep, shelter, intimacy and sex. They have an instinct for sex which is related to sex drive or libido. Libido is the basic energy or desire that makes you want to have sex with your partner. That is the reason why a person may have interest in sexual activity. Also, not all people are equal in their sexual desire. Some are very eager to have sex. Few people always have this kind of thoughts in their mind. Some have medium or normal level of sex drive or libido. They fulfill their sexual desires within the social, moral and religious limits. In short, libido is the only cause of a person's interest in sex. Sexual activity depends on the increase and decrease in libido level.

Reasons for low libido

Many biological and psychological reasons can be the cause of your low libido. Some reasons can also be related to hormonal changes. In addition, circumstances become the cause of lowering the level of your sex drive or libido. We will discuss a few common reasons or causes for your low libido.

1. Psychological questions

Our mind is like your body. It controls every moment of life. Similarly, it affects our behavior and routine activities including sex. If we are mentally disturbed then there is a chance of less sex drive. The feelings of stress and anxiety also affect your sexual activity. If a person is under the phase of depression or unhappiness, this depression or emotional pain can reduce the level of libido.

2. Dissatisfaction with the relationship

Are you happy and feel satisfied with your relationship? The answer to this essential question can explain the cause of your low libido level. If you feel unhappy with your partner, then worries or doubts can take the place of love and peace. In this situation, a person can lose desire for sex due to this unhealthy relationship or emotional dissatisfaction.

3. Poor lifestyle

Another essential point in case of low libido is a poor lifestyle. Your eating and living habits can become the cause of the increase and decrease of libido.If you do not eat healthy or consume a large amount of alcohol, then this will also have a bad effect on your health and your sex drive.

4. Sexual condition

Women lose their desire for sex for some time during pregnancy or after childbirth. Sometimes painful sex can also become the source of low libido. Changes in sexual conditions play a significant role in reducing sexual desire.

5. Influence of medications

    Also, a person under the influence of medications can lose his libido. The medications like antidepressants, tablets for high blood pressure can reduce your feeling for sex. A person who is under the treatment of a psychiatrist and taking antipsychotics also does not have much interest in sexual activity. You need to read the package insert of some common medications to make sure that low libido is not mentioned in their side effects.

    6. Menopause phenomenon

    Menopause or aging is a common cause of decrease in sex drive in women. It happens due to hormonal imbalances. The sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are secreted in a very less amount due to which the desire for sex decreases. During and after the menopause phase, women lose interest in all types of sexual activities. The hormonal changes lower their libido.

    Ways to Increase Your Libido

    Low libido is not a problem, the problem is staying silent or not getting medical advice or treatment to boost your libido again. As discussed above, there can be various physical or psychological problems that cause low libido. You can boost your sex drive or libido by getting proper medical treatment. There is no need to worry about it.

    Everyone knows that sex drive is one of the basic drives of human beings. If a person is not happy or satisfied sexually in a relationship, then there are many chances of psychological problems. It is important to satisfy the needs of the body and mind and to get some pleasure to relax the mind. That is why sexual activities are a part of a person's life. Some effective ways to increase your libido are as follows:

    1. Eat a nutritious diet and start exercising

    A person's eating habits have a great impact on his libido. A person must eat highly nutritious foods that improve heart and brain health and promote good blood circulation in the body. Also, you should include vegetables and low-sugar foods in your diet plan and reduce any unhealthy junk foods or heavy alcohol consumption. If you want to stay healthy in your life and have a good libido level, you should start exercising regularly and eating healthy.

    2. Use some sex toys and lubricants for arousal

    Also, you can take the help of sex toys to get sexually aroused. Sex toys are a fantastic means of sexual arousal. Currently, there are a variety of sex toys available in the market that will help you increase your libido and have fun.In addition, there are also sex dolls that you can use to live out your love fantasies. You can order a doll with the figure you want. When you see her figure and touch her soft body features, your libido level will increase. These sex dolls are the best source for increasing your sexual energy, libido.

    3. Pay more attention to the intimacy between you

    Another focus is your intimate relationships. Try to improve the intimacy and love in your relationship and make your partner happy. When your partner pays attention to you, your libido level will increase. So increase the level of love between you and your partner.

    4. Good management of stress and anxiety

    Anxiety and stress are happiness killers. You need to manage your anxiety and stress properly to enjoy increased levels of sexual desire. The problems are the art of life, so there is no reason to take them seriously or lose your libido and emotional happiness.

    5. Ensure high quality sleep

    A hectic lifestyle can reduce the time of your sleep. The busy people hardly manage to get proper sleep due to their busy schedule. This lack of good quality sleep can also reduce the sex drive or libido. You need to take proper time to complete your sleep cycle properly to have a better sexual or emotional life. You should eat or sleep properly to stay healthy and fit.

    6. Visit a sex therapist and try some herbal remedies

    Herbal remedies have also been proven by many researchers to increase libido and improve sexual function in both women and men. A 2015 study proves that the herbs ginkgo, maca, tribulus and ginseng improve sexual activity in humans.

    Another important thing is to attend sex therapy to increase your libido. Sex therapy is not only relaxing but also has a great impact on your sexual desire.

    7. Eat some special foods that can boost sexual desire

    Some foods play an essential role in increasing your sex drive. The fruits like banana, avocado, figs can increase your libido. Similarly, the use of eggs and meat can improve your body protein content and provide strength to your genitals to perform sexual activities.

    8. Focus on your qualities and be confident

    Confidence and focusing on your features is the key factor in increasing your libido. Always compliment yourself and your body image. Try to live life with high self-esteem and positive energy.

    Concluding Words

    People differ from each other based on libido and sexual desires level. If you want to increase your libido or sex drive then you can use the above mentioned ways to make your life happy. It is important to have a normal level of sex drive to spend a happy emotional life.A person must fulfill his basic needs within moral and social limits in order to enjoy peace of mind.

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