Monica 2.0: 18,3 kg Meilleur torse de sexe pour le plaisir du sein
23Einige Monica 2.0 Produkte werden noch in der alten Monica 1.0 Verpackung geliefert. Sie erkennen Monica 2.0 an ihrem weichen Gesäß. Wenn Sie Monica 1.0 (ohne Tantabutt) erhalten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!
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Lernen Sie Monica 2.0 Kennen

Tantalys Exklusive Weiche Brusttechnologie - Tantabosom
Tantabosom ist über 30 % weicher als herkömmliche Gelbrüste, glatt und realistisch, mit festen, einladenden Nippeln, die zusammengedrückt und bespielt werden können.

Tantalys Exklusive Weiche Gesäßtechnologie - Tantabutt
Mit 50 % mehr Weichheit als bei einem festen Po, elastisch, weich und wackelt schön beim Bewegen.

Vielseitige Positionen, Intimer Begleiter
Monica ist wie ein Elf in Ihrem Bett und hilft Ihnen, jede Position zu erreichen, die Sie sich vorstellen können: Missionarsstellung, Doggy Style, Reiten...

Verführerische Kurven, Makelloses Outfit
Sie hat diese perfekte Sanduhrfigur mit einem fitten Körper. Schlüpfen Sie in ihre Lieblings-Sportunterwäsche für ein energetisierendes Wochenende.

Verführen Sie Monica 2.0

Persönliche Erfahrungen
Lovely doll for the price
Monica is a lovely doll for people who love a big pair of *******. It takes some getting used to getting her in the right position, but once you get the hang of it she's great to cuddle and **** with. You can even use her soft body as a pillow to sleep on after you put her in the Satin bag that's included. Tantaly also has great customer service which will help you if you have any questions.
Honest review after a year (long and detailed)
I basically have Monica for a full year now. She was my first big toy and I didn't really know what to expect. Obviously I've read a lot of stuff online beforehand, but still, to expierence it yourself is a completely different thing. When she arrived, I was stunned when I opened the box for the first time. What really made an impression on me, was the texture of her skin. Right now, after a year, it's not as pronounced, but I would say it still is a really good, distinctive feature. Her nipples are long, fat and stretchy. They were one of the reasons why I chose Monica over the other girls and they're still fine after all this time. You can play with them pretty hard and they retain their original shape. One advice though, don't pierce them. After her skin gets punctured somewhere, usually the damage gets worse from there, it's just how it is with tpe. These nipples are the hot spot for damage the way they already are. I repaired them with some tpe melting solvent. I don't think piercing is worth the hassle. Boobs are simply bazonculous. They are soft, squishy, they retain heat pretty well, just like the whole doll does, all the good stuff you would expect. They are really big and partly appear that way, because of the doll's proportions. She is not full human size, but the boobs are much bigger than what the most of real girls have. Because of that, they also stick out quite a way. Monica's waist is really thin so this effect seems even greater. For me personally, the good thing about the waist is the look, really sexy, but not the way like the real girl's silhouette is. On the downside, buying any lingerie or clothes for her is pretty difficult. I figured that xxs size works best, but you can go for just unisize, tied panties, bras and accessories. One of the other reasons why I chose Monica, are her legs. They are pretty substantial, over 20cm easily and decently thick. They allow you to pose her much better than if she had only short stumps like some other girls in the offer have. (right here Jennifer lost the competition for me). They help tremendously in her usage, cleaning, moving her around and they just look great. You would want something to cover them if you're going to sleep with her regularly though. Tpe gathers fluff and dust easily, so clothing keeps you from cleaning her annoyingly often, and also keeps her from getting damaged. Well, her legs and thighs are pretty thick, so what do you think her butt is like? Short answer: T H I C C. Once again the proportions play their part in the appearance, but even without them being so fantasylike, Monica's *** looks just so big for her frame. It is squishy, less than the boobs, but also firm. I would say that in a way it reminds me of a real butt. You can really tell when you slap it. I am more of a boob guy, but man, let me tell you, over the course of this year, I started to like butts more and more. I left the main focus for last, her holes. They are not positioned in a realistic way, and don't get me wrong here. I think that it's a good thing. They are placed deliberately the way they are. ****** is more in front, which makes all frontal positions easily accessable, but it's quite hard to get to it from the back, and vice-versa for the butt. I think it's better this way because this kind of placement means that you can play with her from almost any angle that you want, you always find an accessable hole. If the holes were positioned more like they are in real life, it would be hard for the number of positions to be good. Both textures are different in many ways. ****** is wider, more winding and has a lot going on inside. It's still hard for me to last very long if I go at it. It's really stimulating, almost to the point that you don't enjoy it as much as you'd wished. It gets better with practice, and when you strike the perfect session, then it's better than any toy I owned. The ******** is more subtle, simpler and straight. It's tigher than the ***** and you can feel the ring like ribs inside with every thrust. It's better if you want to go for longer. You also have a great view from back there. It's great overall to mix and match between the two, to switch positions and just enjoy her. That's the most important part. You don't have to **** her all the time. After the entry period I do it much less, and I'm fine with it. It doesn't get boring this way. I often just sleep with Monica, have a couple of different outfits for her. It is really nice to hold her close, press her ******* or butt against yourself and just fall asleep. Cleaning is not to bad. Monica's not really heavy, it's just awkward to maneuver her in my bathroom. If you're planning to buy any bigger toy, I suggest to adapt your spaces a bit. To sum up, highly recommend, 5/5 for me. Can't think of a thing to improve on her. Most value you will get for the price for sure.
It worth it, 100% satisfied
Instead it's not extreme bigger it's heavier than you could expect, but this makes the experience more realistic. Amazing holes, excellent *** and INCREDIBLE REALISTIC *******, this is the better part. The best toy I ever bought, extremely recommended.
Alles in Allem ist Monica meiner Meinung nach fast perfekt. Weiche Haut Große, sehr weiche Brüste Ihr Körper könnte ein wenig größer sein und die Färbung ihres Intimbereichs könnte besser sein. Bei meiner ist es etwas "verschmiert" und sieht unrealistisch aus. Aber ansonsten sehr gute Qualität.
I was very happy to get the wheat coloured Monica, this is the second Tantaly doll I have bought, the first being Rosie.Monica's proportions are perfect for my height and ***** size, my favourite thing about her is her ****, it clamps down on my *****. Both dolls are of great quality and I had a great time playing with them.