Jennifer: 27,5 kg BBW realistische sexy sekspop
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Lernen Sie Jennifer kennen

Tantalys Exklusive Weiche Brusttechnologie - Tantabosom
Tantabosom ist über 30 % weicher als herkömmliche Gelbrüste. Sie machen so viel Spaß, sie zu drücken, zu reizen, zu saugen und alles andere zu tun, was du dir vorstellen kannst.

Füllige und Sexy Figur
Jennifer ist ein athletisches Model mit einem flachen Bauch und einem großen Po. Ihre geschmeidigen Brüste, der feste Po und der perfekt sanfte Übergang von der Taille zu den Hüften machen das Berühren und Streicheln zu einem absoluten Vergnügen.

Stabiles Skelett
Die beweglichen Bein-Gelenke erlauben es dir, sie genau richtig zu positionieren, egal ob für vaginalen, analen, oralen Sex, Spanking oder Löffelchen—es ist definitiv der Himmel im Bett.

Realistischer Tunnel
Die inneren Wände des Tunnels sind kompakt und weich, umgeben von kleinen Kugeln und spiralförmig geformt, die ständig deinen Penis saugen und massieren. Du wirst sogar vergessen, dass sie eine Sexpuppe ist.
Persönliche Erfahrungen
Jennifer … great body … glad to have her
This is my first review of a Tantaly product bought during the Tantaly’s BFCM Sale. Jennifer arrived on the 4th of December and I couldn’t wait to review her. I already have Rosie and Eva, both wonderful butts. I have been looking for a more immersive feeling and did a lot of reading in reviews and posts on Reddit. Because of my favorite Eva my wishlist became very small. Monroe, Badd Angel, Jennifer, Morgpie …. In the end I decided to order Jennifer. I am more an *** guy but the athletic body and beautiful ******* of Jennifer did it all for me. She has huge ******* and a big butt. Jennifer is one of the heaviest models, her torso has sufficient length (add’s to a more realistic feeling).. and she has tantabosom which was also on my list. Body review: 5/5 Her ******* feel soft, size big C-D Cup, good jiggle, perfect shape, very bouncy and soft. Her *** reminds me of Eva, not as big (more Rosie’s size I think) but her holes feel natural and add to an immersive feeling during ***. Jennifer is heavy like Eva. I never had any trouble managing the weight of Eva so I don’t expect Jennifer will be a problem. Cleaning will be a little different because of her taller body, like Eva and Rosie she will take a shower. Usage review: 4,5/5 In my opinion her holes are spot on, her skin has a really nice texture, her insides feel great, I am not disappointed. Until now (I have Jennifer for a few days now) I only used her in missionary and doggy position (both holes) Missionary feels great, feeling her *******, legs and her body makes it all perfect. Because her legs are not full-size doggy can be more difficult, because my bed is rather high also doggy is worked fine. I didn’t try cowgirl (yet) but I think because of the weight this will be a struggle. Britney (little Jennifer) would be a better option for cowgirl…. The fact that Jennifer has a skeleton like Eva also add’s to a better experience. She can be positioned in all sorts of ways. Eva is very good in it, Jennifer also has this feature. I think I will use it a lot. All in all, I am very happy with Jennifer. I’ve been a Tantaly fan for more than 2 years now. Tantaly you did a great job. 👍 That said, if your are looking for the perfect girl go for Jennifer. The weight is easy to get accustomed to, she will give you amazing ***. If you are a **** and *** guy I would say go for it and buy Jennifer. She is your girl. Jennifer : 27,5 kg BBW Realistic Sexy *** Doll

Jennifer *** Doll Torso
I chose Jennifer because of the following points: My upper body size is quite tall, therefore, I was looking for a doll with a tall upper body. Jen is compared to the other life-sized dolls, the largest one when you count only from the pelvic floor to the neck. The leg size and length is totally enough for me. Secondly, I need a doll with deep vaginal and **** holes ... the depth of Jen fits perfectly. The **** hole of Monroe (which I considered as well) would be too short for me. Third, the stunning realistic *******. When I received Jen from a parcel shop ... I was a little bit shocked how heavy she is ... and the way to my car was quite far ... Opening the box at home was really exiting. To be honest, the texture of the skin is really nice, but in my opinion not comparable to real human skin. Nevertheless, it still feels great! Especially the soft ******* and the ***. The look of the doll itself is perfect. My first exercise with Jen was a few hours after I was with my wife. Therefore, I have the direct comparison. Jen`s weight in combination with the soft texture and ******* create a good simulation of a real human body. The holes feel really realistic. Especially the tightness of the **** hole and the suction of both holes create an amazing feeling. I tested the doll in several different positions. The holes are placed perfectly, and the proportions work fantastic for me. Using the cleaning set makes the cleaning of the doll quite handy ... but I have problems to get the holes really dry ... even when using the recommended drying sticks. Finally, Jen is a great choice and I don't want to miss her anymore. You can have a great time with her, not only stimulating your p**** but also your hole body. Additionally, I want to mention the great service from tantaly!
Hi there, Thank you very much for your support and recognition of Tantaly, we will continue to work hard. And we noticed that you mentioned the problem of dry doll holes. It is recommended that when using the absorbent stick, place the absorbent stick in the channel to fully absorb the water in the channel, and the placement time should not exceed 15 minutes. At the same time, you can gently squeeze the abdomen and buttocks of the doll, so that the dry stick can better absorb the water in the channel. If you have any questions or good suggestions in using the product, you can tell us at any time, we hope to make more satisfied products for our customers. Sincerely, Tantaly Customer Service Team Mia

Jennifer is just great! She's perfect, soft but firm, nice ******** and butt, tasty ***** and ***!! You just need to grab her firm to move her because of the 'realistic' weight, but after a few times it goes just fine. Just tried her once, and already looking out to the second try, I cannot stop touching her! Do not hesitate buying this great *** doll named Jennifer, completely worth the price. Delivered at home in 3 days.

It’s amazing !
Also: thanks to the customer service! They helped me out with several things and were really kind.

Tolles Produkt
Ich war zuerst skeptisch wegen der Größe, aber Jennifer hat ungefähr die Größe einer durchschnittlichen Frau. Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit ihm